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ストリートカルチャーに感化され日本のストリートを独特の色味で映し出し、2023年の春に個展「Town Freestyle」を開催。広告キャンペーンではSONY・Panasonic・Canonなどの大手ナショナルクライアントの商品プロモーションに参画する他、国内外アーティスト写真撮影など業界やジャンルを超えて活動の幅を広げている。
Born in 2000, based in Tokyo. Graduated from Waseda University.
Inspired by street culture and reflecting the Japanese streets with his unique color & tone, he will hold a solo exhibition "Town Freestyle" in the spring of 2023.
In addition to participating in product promotions for major national clients
such as SONY, Panasonic, and Canon in advertising campaigns, he is expanding the scope of his activities beyond industries and genres, including domestic and international artist photography.

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